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RCE 07: Cluster Planning

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 Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres have a short discussion with Douglas Eadline and Jeff Layton about planning of the construction of HPC clusters.

Douglas Eadline, Ph.D. has worked with parallel computers since 1988 (anyone remember the Inmos Transputer?). He has a large amount of experience (and opinions) with parallel software tools and and application performance. Doug has been building and using Linux clusters since 1995. One of his current interests is in Personal Clusters. Presently, he is Editor of ClusterMonkey.net, Senior HPC Editor at Linux Magazine, and an instructor/consultant.

Jeff Layton is a long-time cluster monkey and all round cluster enthusiast having been a customer, admin, developer, writer, and now works for a cluster vendor. He works at Dell as the HPC Enterprise Technologist. Previously he worked for Panasas, Linux Networx, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, NASA, and was a professor of Aeronautical Engineering for a time (this makes him seem much older that he really is). Jeff writes for Cluster Monkey (www.clustermonkey.net), Linux Magazine (www.linux-mag.com), Dell Tech Center (www.delltechcenter.com/page/hpcc), and his own feeble attempt at a blog - ClusterBuffer (clusterbuffer.wetpaint.com).

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