A Podcast for HPC Folk

A Podcast for HPC Folk

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RCE 09: HDF5

MP3 (Right Click Save As)

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak wtih Mike Folk and Quincey Koziol of The HDF Group about the HDF5 file API.

Mike Folk is President and Executive Director of The HDF Group. Mike led the NCSA HDF project from 1988 until 2006, when The HDF Group became an independent, non-profit company dedicated to meeting the needs of HDF users and assuring access to their data for the long haul.  Mike’s first programming job was in 1961, as a student at the University of North Carolina.  Later Mike taught high school math in the U.S. and Africa, got a PhD in CS from Syracuse University, then taught computer science at the university level for 18 years. Mike’s modest list of publications include the book File Structures, a Conceptual Toolkit, by Folk and Zoellick (1987, 1991).

Quincey Koziol has been with The HDF Group (THG) since its founding and started with the HDF group in 1991, when it was still part of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.  He serves as the Director of Software Development for THG, overseeing the design and architecture of the HDF5 software, as well as providing software engineering leadership for THG.  Quincey received his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois and is pursuing his Master's degree in Computer Science from the U of I also.

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