A Podcast for HPC Folk

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RCE 97: Jonathan Dursi

Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres speak with Jonathan Dursi about his recent article HPC is dying, and MPI is killing it an article that spawned a lot of attention in good discussion for our community.

MP3 (Right Click Save As)

Jonathan Dursi has worked in large-scale technical computing for nearly 20 years. He has worked at the DOE ASCI Flash Centre at the University of Chicago, where he was part of the team that won a 2000 Gordon Bell Award; the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, where he collaborated Canadian astronomy community as the co-author of a long-range plan white paper, to design a decadal plan for computing in this data-intensive field; SciNet, Canada’s largest academic supercomputing centre; Compute Canada; and most recently at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, in the Department of Informatics and Bio-computing. He has taught classes in HPC and technical computing techniques in three countries, to students in many disciplines.

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