A Podcast for HPC Folk

A Podcast for HPC Folk

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RCE03: Flash

Flash Center



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 Brock Palen speaks with Aunshu Dubey of the ASC Flash Center at the University of Chicago about the Flash astrophysics code.

Anshu Dubey is the lead architect for the FLASH code, and also leads the group that develops and maintains the code. She has been with the  ASC/Flash Center since 2001. Her interests include parallel algorithms for scientific computing, digital signal processing algorithms, and high performance computer architectures.




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Brock Palen speaks with Joshua Anderson and Carolyn Phillips of the HOOMD project.

Joshua Anderson is finishing up his PhD in Physics at Iowa State University where he is researching polymer systems. He is the creator of the HOOMD project and is fascinated by all things related to computer simulation, from the fundamental physical laws behind the simulation all the way down to the micro-architecture it runs on.

Carolyn Phillips is a Phd student at the University of Michigan.  She is a developer on the HOOMD project.  She is a member of the Glotzer Group, which does research in Computational Nanoscience and Soft Matter Simulations. Her research includes studying the self-assembly of heterogeneous nanoparticles.

RCE01 Open MPI








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 Brock Palen speaks with Jeff Squyres and George Bosilca of the Open MPI project.

Jeff Squyres is a founder and core developer of the Open MPI project.  He works at Cisco Systems where his full-time job is server-side software development, mainly dealing with Open MPI development/support and representation of Cisco to the MPI Forum.  Jeff's 2004 Ph.D. dissertation from the University of Notre Dame provided the foundation for the Open MPI code base.

George Bosilca is a Research Assistant Professor at Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is one of the primary developers of Open MPI and before that FT-MPI/Harness and MPICH-V. His research topics include networking and computer architecture, scalability, fault tolerance, parallel and distributed computing.

For details on MPI the API see the MPI Forum.

RCE00 Introduction


Introduction to RCE, we are looking for nominations and contacts for software projects. Please visit www.rce-cast.com and nominate your application and topic to be discussed.

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